Grodna – Vera Designatio Urbis in Littavia Grodnæ, 1623


Grodna - Vera Designatio Urbis in Littavia Grodnæ

11.9 x 18.7 inches / 30.5 x 48 cm. Copied after an engraving by Matthias Zundt, 1568, after a drawing by Johann Adelhauser, 1567. First edition was 1575. Also a DETAIL image.

1623 Commentary on Lithuania by Georg Braun, accompanying his view of  Grodno: “Lithuania is a vast but uncultivated land, east of Poland, with much grassland and marshes. The episcopal city of Vilnius is the capital, and it is as big as Cracow with all its suburbs. The next biggest is Grodno, which lies on the river Cronon, or Memel, partly in the plain and partly on hilly ground. There are only a few stone houses standing together, the houses are roughly built, with little care; the city also has no walls or towers, gates and fortifications. But nearby there is a castle and a royal palace on the mountain, there the King of Poland has his seat.”

Grodno (Bel.: Гродна, tr. Hrodna; Rus.: Гродно; Lith.: Gardinas): Founded: late 10th century; first reference: 1127 in the “Ruthenian (Russian) Primary Chronicle


