W. Główczewski (cartographer) – Graphical Dept. P.A.K.P.D. (publisher).
Warsaw. ARA (American Relief Administration) was a relief mission to Europe and later post-revolutionary Russia formed, with a budget of a billion and a half dollars in today’s money, by the U.S. Congress in February 1919, with future president Herbert Hoover as its director. It delivered more than four million tons of relief supplies to 23 war-torn European countries. 20% of its resources were
directed to the “Second Polish Republic,” much of that going Polish children. In March 1919, the private ERC (European Children’s Fund) was founded to manage grants to children, with Hoover as its chairman. In January 1920, the Polish committee, headed by the wife of Paderewski, formed to
advise American relief efforts was renamed the Polish-American Children’s Relief Committee (Polsko-Amerykanski Komitet Pomocy Dzieciom) or PAKPD – Poles asked to include “Amerykanski” in the name because the name commanded truth and respect. This map depicts warehouses and child feeding locations within Poland.