Atlas von Liefland, oder von den beyden Gouvernementern u. Herzogthümern Lief- und Ehstland, und der Provinz Oesel, 1798


Atlas von Liefland, oder von den beyden Gouvernementern u. Herzogthümern Lief- und Ehstland, und der Provinz Oesel

1798 [dated] Johann Friedrich Hartknoch (publisher) – Carl Jäck Bertin (engraver), from Count Ludwig August Mellin’s (cartographer): “Atlas von Liefland, oder von den beyden Gouvernementern u. Herzogthümern Lief- und Ehstland, und der Provinz Oesel” (Atlas of Livonia…designed for geometric measurements, the latest astronomical observations, and after careful review investigation and Kentnis of areas: the whole consists of a general map and fourteen district maps), Berlin. On a visit to Riga in 1782, Crown Prince Paul of Russia reportedly asked to see a map showing the location of the Livonian division of the Russian Army. When it turned out that no such map existed, Mellin, then a young officer in the army trained in technical drawing, was asked to draw one. Having become interested in maps in this way, Mellin undertook what became a 28-year effort to produce this atlas. Mellin used the maps of the Russian Academy of Sciences and military topographers, but mostly relied on manor house maps. Mellin’s maps were issued by a Riga bookseller, but were engraved abroad, so that at one point he was accused of revealing state secrets and arrested. In 1798, Tsar Paul I issued an order stopping the sale of the maps and ordering the return of copies in private possession.

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Carl Jäck Bertin


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