Karte von Alt-Preussen enthaltend Ost-Preusen nebst Preussisch Lithauen…1796 bis 1802Ethnographic map, Lithuania Minor description Karte von Alt-Preussen enthaltend Ost-Preusen nebst Preussisch Lithauen...1796 bis 1802 Berlin, 200 x 310 cm. The first edition of a 25-sheet map, each sheet mounted on linen. Individual sheets are 16.5 x 22.2 inches / 42.0 x 56.5 cm. Year 1803 Author Friedrich Leopold von Schrötter (Prussian minister sponsoring the map) Carl Jäck (artist/engraver) Sources www.davidrumsey.com
Germano-Sarmatia in qua Populi maiores Venedi et Aetiaei Peucini et Bastarnae in minores Populos divisi ad hodiernam locorum…