Vero Designatio Vrbis in in Littavia Grodnӕ, 1568


Vero Designatio Vrbis in in Littavia Grodnӕ

Depicting Grodno during preparations for the upcoming 1569 Lublin Union. In the foreground, Grigory Volovich – Russian-Lithuanian noble, statesman of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, Mayor of Grodno
(1558–1566), governor of Smolensk Voivodeship (1571–1577), elder of Mstsislaw  (1548–1567) – welcomes czar Ivan the Terrible. Text in the upper right: “The true image of the city of Grodno in
Lithuania. There his Polish Majesty kept the Diet, and where the  Grand Duke of Moscow, among 1200 people, has arrived, very beautifully dressed, and then the Turkish and Tatar ambassadors…).

Grodno (Bel.: Гродна, tr. Hrodna; Rus.: Гродно; Lith.: Gardinas): Founded: late 10th century; first reference: 1127 in the “Ruthenian (Russian) Primary Chronicle




Hans Adelgauzera (artist)  Matthew Tsyundta (engraver)